The End

This blog was once known as accidentallykle, and is now closed. The story continues over on The Pretty Walrus on Wordpress.

Thank you for reading.

The Christmas Menu

I've a busy couple of days ahead of me. I've never cooked Christmas lunch before - we've always been guests at someone else's. This year we made an active decision to enjoy it as a family of two for the first and last time. And with that comes the responsibility of providing lunch, which if I'm honest, I'm quite excited about. I have some big plans but, assuming I remember to take the turkey out of the freezer tomorrow morning, I'm confident I can pull it off successfully.

Here's the menu:


I'm feeling very efficient... Wish me (and David) luck!

Recipes: Fruity Mango Chutney Stuffing · Cranberry Sauce · Gravy · Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Pine Nuts · Victoria Sponge


  1. Sounds very yummy. I hope you take photos!

  2. Oh yes remember to take the turkey out, Lord Cherry and I made that mistake one year, but we put it into a sink of cold water and that did the trick. Its all about the timing, give youself plenty, and you will be fine. x

  3. It's interesting how the UK & Australia have a Christmas lunch. In North America it's typically a Christmas dinner (supper).

    Good luck with the bird, if you have a meat thermometer it helps a lot.

  4. D - Of course there'll be photos! :)

    LC - Yes, good point. I've checked (and rechecked) cooking times of everything and counting backwards, it's going to be an early start - but I'd rather that!

    M - In all honesty, I have no idea what sort of time food features in Christmas Day in the UK. I am going by what my family does in Malta, and that's lunch! (Meat thermometer at the ready!)
