The End

This blog was once known as accidentallykle, and is now closed. The story continues over on The Pretty Walrus on Wordpress.

Thank you for reading.

Home Stretch

I've been a bit confused. (Admittedly, this is easily done.) Some books/websites/people say the third trimester starts at week 26, others at 27, 28 or 29. However it seems that 27 is the most widely agreed upon. I am going to go with that, and as today marks 27 full weeks of pregnancy, it also therefore marks the start of my third trimester.

Aptly marked by sheer exhaustion.

I will not be posting any pictures of myself today because I look a fright. I have dark circles under my eyes, my hair looks like a bird's been dutifully turning it into a nest, and ultimately, I just can't be arsed to pick up the camera. Why I picked today to wash our massive quilt cover is beyond me. I'm shattered from just trying to hang the thing up to dry.

In place of pictures, however, I can say that my bump has now shifted from a B-shape to a D-shape (something I'm quite proud of) and, as you may have gathered above, the glow I enjoyed for a total of three weeks is already thing of the past.

Also, Little One is as bad a hiccuper as her mother.

Officially, I am now looking at 13 weeks left of pregnancy. Two things. One: I can't believe I'm already at a point where it's acceptable to be counting down instead of up. And two: despite being uber excited to meet this little growing person, it sounds entirely too close for comfort...



  1. Oh congratulations on reaching the third trimester! I opted for 27 weeks as a start for it too :) And get ready for all encompassing exhaustion... everything is an effort now ;)

  2. Haha thanks ladies! It's all getting that bit more exciting now! :D x

  3. Stumbled upon this post again - how interesting it is to see where you were and how I can relate now. The hiccups, oh, the hiccups! He has hiccup fits 2 or 3 times a day. It was cute at first but it does get kind of grating after so many...

    In 7 weeks I will have him in my arms like you have yours now though, will have to make a point to go back and read your experiences (c:
