...as a mummy that is.
I turned 29 over the weekend. (Although I still think that someone miscalculated something somewhere along the way and I've only just turned 20 really.)
I'm big on birthdays. October is always an exciting month for me, even if just because towards the end of it, nicely enveloped in
beautiful autumness, is my special day. But this year, it almost escaped me. October hasn't been that great and my birthday almost seemed to surprise me. Suddenly, there it was, a few days away. So there wasn't a huge build-up. I barely had any time to plan anything.
This year, a tiny person is more important than my birthday.
So it arrived, a plain day with the potential to be as plain as every other. But instead, it was a magnificent day. Over breakfast, David and Emily gave me my presents in the form of a treasure hunt and had me running all over the house eagerly looking for gifts cleverly disguised in different wrapping paper and hidden under or beside everyday objects. One was even buried inside Emily's toy basket.
Then we went out for an early lunch. We had friends coming over later to join us for some champagne tea ;) Oh yes, are we posh or what?! After which, we went for a walk in the perfect October weather (this week has been nothing short of
glorious), and then stopped by the swings. Emily had a go on the baby swing (have you seen
her very first time?) while one of our friends and I had a go at the see-saw.
Nothing like acting like a 5 year old on your 29th birthday.
Oh did I say 29th? I meant 20th.
By the end of the day, I just wished it didn't have to end.
And if anyone's curious, this was what my real first birthday looked like...
Ah, the eighties. Check me out in my knee highs.
[Special thanks goes to my Daddy (now sans huge specs) for scanning these in for me over the weekend :) xx]